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This blog is not genealogy blog per se’ although I will be posting photos, news items and such. Also, you’ll be able to post your own photos. If you have any links you want me to add, just le me know. The outstanding photos of the grandparents, Walter and Margaret on their wedding day and Walter’s family are courtesy of our resident genealogist Chuck M. Thank you Chuck! Look for more of these photos in the next few weeks.

1897 Gustave D. and Family

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Who are these gals?


  1. Aunt May and Granny Mike (Michielsen)

  2. Marie Francis Schulte (Aunt May) - Great Grandma Theresia Schulte Doemling's sister and Lillian Wynn Michielsen (Granny Mike)

  3. Thanks for the answer Chuck. No prize this time. Maybe I will come across a stumper for you, but I doubt it.

    I thought the one on the left was Aunt May. Granny Mike was vaguely familiar. Do you know when this picture was taken? I believe Granny Mike was bit older, than this photo, when I knew her.

  4. My guess for the timestamp of this picture would be late 40's. There were alot of weddings after WWII and knowing Aunt May was born 1883 she'd be in her 70'S with Lillian(1889) in her 60's. Aunt May married name was Schiffer.
